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Internship Program

The Russell Construction Internship Program provides growth-minded individuals with valuable, hands-on experience in the commercial retail construction industry. This unique opportunity allows interns to explore a fulfilling career path, develop new skills, build professional relationships and gain confidence – all while earning a paycheck.


A career in construction can offer stability and long-term prospects, and Russell Construction is committed to extending this opportunity to aspiring professionals.


Our objective is to provide interns with the opportunity to actively engage in construction projects, enabling them to gain firsthand experience in a rewarding yet demanding field by working alongside experienced superintendents.

"The road to success is always under construction."


Centered on Fixture Installation, The Russell Construction Internship Program offers a comprehensive exploration of various construction facets. Participants will learn by observing, then by doing.


Areas of focus include Part and Material Storage, Boneyard Management, Forklift Operation, Inventory Tracking, Personal and Worksite Safety, SafetySkills Training, Daily and Weekly Reporting, Industry Software, Fixture Drawing Interpretation, Fixture Assembly, Gondola Mover Operation, Jobsite Cleanliness, Task Management, Project Scheduling, and additional relevant topics.

Construct with the finest.
Rely on Russell Construction for all your retail needs.

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